Outdoor living spaces are popular in temperate or warm climates. Two options for creating an outdoor living space include patios and decks.
What Is The Difference?
A patio consists of stone or concrete pavers placed on the ground to create a floor whereas a deck is usually made of wood and is elevated. Due to its elevation, a deck typically also has railings and steps or stairs leading up to it.
How Do You Decide Between The Two?
There are many factors that influence which option makes the most sense for a given situation. Here are some of the most essential:
Patios require level ground so they are best suited to a space that is already flat or nearly so. Decks are most often installed in hilly areas where the backyard slopes down and away from the house.
Privacy Versus View
Decks are generally more desirable if there are great views, such as a lack, river, or canyon. They will help put you where you can get a good view of everything but they also tend to put you on display for others to see.
If privacy is more important, a patio will generally be preferable. Patios are typically somewhat hidden compared to a deck and the privacy of a patio can be further enhanced with privacy fencing, awnings, landscaping, and similar choices.
Budget And Logistics
Assuming the yard is fairly level, a patio will be more budget-friendly and simpler to build. The materials for a patio installation are also typically cheaper than for a deck, plus patios don’t generally require inspections or permits. Decks can require inspections and permits which will involve additional fees.
Patios are more DIY friendly which can save substantially on labor. Patios also tend to have lower maintenance costs and will typically last a few years longer, which represents additional savings.
Temperature Control
Generally speaking, stone and concrete patios will absorb and retain more heat than wood decks. Wood that is stained a dark color will retain more heat than light-colored wood. Awnings, pergolas or other coverings can reduce sun exposure. Landscaping, such as shade from trees, can further shelter the area from the elements, both protecting against wind and sun.
Return On Investment
If you expect to sell the home within the next few years, you may also want to consider the potential return on investment (ROI). Generally speaking, decks have a higher ROI and will help push up the value of the house.
When To Choose A Patio.
A patio is generally best for the following:
Flat terrain.
Low budget.
Need additional heat to stay comfortable.
When To Choose A Deck.
A deck is generally best for the following:
Hilly or sloped terrain.
Great views.
Needing to mitigate excess heat.
If you need help making the decision, give us a call.
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